Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethan's Healthy Mind Express Accepted for Presentation at the 2021 Literacy & Language Arts Summer Institute, National Council of Teachers of English, Normal, IL

Our proposal submitted in January 2020 for the summer 2020 Literacy & Language Summer Institute was accepted on May 1st, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was scheduled for the July 2021 event. This is a significant milestone in the journey of the story that features 7 kids: Rena, Evan, Leah, Jesse, Hannah, Josh and Max who struggle with various mental health challenges as they travel through the social spheres of influence including family, faith, friends, school and community. 

The book also provides tips to avoid the dark web and areas of the Internet that can lead to isolation or danger and contains 19 brilliantly photographed handcrafted paper illustrations. As of May 1, 2020 the book is competing in more than a half dozen contests for its literary rhymes and messages and unique artwork with results set to be released from June 2020 through June 2021. The acceptance at the National Council of Teacher's of English Summer Institute is another opportunity to expose the important messages of the story designed to help not only atypicals involving the full range of "neurodiversity" children, but an overarching reminder that inclusion involves the acceptance of every child as each faces daily mental health challenges. All proceeds from the book support the Ethan Bean Mental Wellness Foundation, a non-profit Michigan public charity. 

Fundraising is underway to help pay for the travel expenses so that Author Emily Lane Waszak (pictured upper left), Co-author, Erik Bean (not pictured), Illustrator Gail Gorske (upper right), and Editor Sherry Wexler (lower left) can facilitate their 75-minute story telling session, how and why it was created. Please help our amazing team stand on the shoulders of giants. Please donate today and purchase the book now!  Ethan's Healthy Mind Express is recommended for ages 5 to 10 and is available on Amazon as a Kindle (ebook app available for all devices), paperback, and larger hardcover. Thank you in advance for coming aboard!